
Empty Frame Idea

Hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving!  I know we sure did!  I just finished up all my holiday decorating and will share some pictures soon.  Here is a quick idea for any extra frames you may have laying around.  I'm sure you have seen these letters all over the place, I found this one at Hobby Lobby for $5.  It was originally gold but I spraypainted it silver to match the room.  The frames are from Goodwill, the large was $4.99 and the smaller was $0.99.  Of course they needed a little painting but other than that they were perfect.
Here is a before picture of the larger frame...

and after, on the wall with the "t" and smaller frame.

Of course you could always just hang the letter up there alone but why not add a couple frames to it and make into some artwork! 


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