
The Holiday

One of my favorite things to do at Christmas time is to watch Christmas movies.  A perfect afternoon for me would be one spent on the couch with a cup of hot chocolate in hand and a Hallmark channel Christmas movie.  One of my favorites to watch this time of year is The Holiday.  Honestly, I think the reason I like it so much is because of the houses that are featured.  Is it wrong to like a movie just because of the interior design aspect?  I'm sure I'm not the only one. ;)

I love both of the houses that are featured.  My favorite to live in would be the character Amanda Woods' LA home.  So crisp and clean.  I love all the white with the contrast of the dark floors and natural fibers.

and I've always loved black framed windows...

and that kitchen.. What's not to love?!?  Those lanterns are just fabulous.

and the outside isn't too shabby either...

My favorite house to stay in would be the character Iris' home.  It's so warm, cozy, and charming.

images via Cote de Texas and practical enrichment.


  1. so funny, i am always commenting on interiors when watching movies. it is the best part!

  2. Anonymous16.12.10

    I'm with you, I love watching christmas movies, and I love The Holiday! Those houses are amazing, and I love the pics, this way I can really study them! thanks for sharing, sue

  3. I love the lanterns indoors! What a great way to change up lighting!

  4. I loved that movie, the interiors were fab!


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