
Another great kitchen

This post is brought to you by one of my readers.  Hi Heidi!  Heidi was inspired to build this play kitchen for her daughter when she saw the play kitchen I made out of a sewing table.  I love seeing how you guys get inspired by this blog.  She did such a great job on this kitchen.  She does not have a blog so show her some love by leaving a comment on this post telling her how much you love it! :)

Here is her before...

and the best part, after!

love the detail around the knobs and the fun color....

speaking of play kitchens, I've been working on another one myself and will have it done and ready to share hopefully in the next few days!


  1. Anonymous18.1.11

    suuuuper cute!! my 5 yr old would DIE over this!!

  2. This is too cute! Love the color.


  3. Hey Heidi!!!
    Love, love, love your kitchen it turned out so cute.
    Visit me sometime at
    Love ya,
    Susan Hulsey

  4. This turned out so cute! I love all the homemade fun kid kitchens that keep popping up on the internet.

  5. adorable! you did a great job and I really love the colors you picked!

  6. Thank you for posting my kitchen. But really it wouldn't have happened without your inspiration. So thanks! And I love seeing the comments, so fun!

  7. Oh what a great job! Love this!

  8. woohoo Heidi! AWESOME...am one proud friend! Can I get your autograph! xoxox hee hee luvz to you!


Thank you for your sweet comments, they make my day!