

We have made so many changes in our dining room.  I mentioned to you before the disaster of our current table and even mentioned how I wanted to replace it with a new one.  I was over the thought of DIYing something and wanted to just buy something new, something that didn't need any work done to it.  Ever feel like that?  Well, I guess I got over that because I had a lightbulb moment and realized I could fix the one we have, or at least I think I can.  More details on that to come....

So here is a little taste of the changes, cowhide rug...check...sisal chevron stripe fabric on end chairs...check :)  I ordered the fabric here.  I'm loving it so far.  I will show you the rest when I get the table done!  Happy Friday!!


  1. That fabric looks perfect with the white chairs. I wish I was bold enough to do a pattern like that. I tend to go for whites, grays, boring. I will be watching to see it all done.

  2. I adore the fabric you all put on that chair!

  3. I agree on sometimes just wanting something new :).....but I like where you are going with the old!

  4. Love the fabric! Thanks for the link to the store:)

  5. Thanks ladies! I'm loving that fabric too, I think it's one of my new favorites. My husband even said he loves it :) I was shocked.


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