Well not a "real" kitchen reno but a play kitchen reno. A friend of mine contacted me about making a play kitchen for her daughter. She wanted something different and not so cookie cutter like the ones you see in the store. She told me the colors of her daughter's room and let me run with it. I love making these because every one is different and you can get really creative with it.
So I started out with this nightstand.
the "burners" were made out of wooden disks found at Hobby Lobby....
Those are the only progress pictures I took unfortunately so if you have any specific questions feel free to ask!
and here it is all together...
Fabric: Hancock Fabrics
Black Pom Pom trim, Yellow Pom Pom trim, & white trim: Hobby Lobby
Knobs: Hobby Lobby
Wood "burners": Hobby Lobby
Faucet: Thrift store
Chalkboards: Hobby Lobby
Yellow Chalkboard frame: part of a headboard I found on the side of the road (long story for another time:)
Sink Bowl: Dollar Store
Rod for Ruffle Skirt: Hancock Fabrics
Bonnie and Alivia, I hope you enjoy it for many years to come! I enjoyed making it for you!