
Black is back

I would never have dreamed of painting a room black 5 years ago, but now it seems to be the "in" thing!     I ran across this awesome diamond patterned rug at Pier one the other day, while shopping for a client, and put it in my cart so I could "think about it."  I thought about it and I bought it :)  I really wasn't sure where it was going to go but it was on sale and I was just drawn to it for some reason.  I knew if it didn't work I could always take it back.  It ended up making its way to our master bathroom.  I love the way it looks in there but I think it would look even better if the walls were black.  I haven't broke this news to my hubby yet, we'll see how it takes it. 

I know black is definitely a bold choice for a room but I feel there is enough light to balance it out between our white shower curtain, light colored floor, two windows, and large mirror.  I've got plenty of other things I could do at the moment, so maybe I'll save this project for a rainy day.

Here's the rug that's got me thinking....

and some beautiful black rooms to inspire you....

Elle Decor

I've had this one bookmarked for a while now...even though the walls aren't black I love the idea of all the black molding and doors...


it's pretty even outdoors!



cowhide+lucite=perfection :)

so what do you think?  


  1. Do it. It will be gorgeous. Can't wait to see it!

  2. I think it's striking especially with the bedroom is at the end of the hall so if I chose to do this it would look like the black hole with the door open. If you love it do it, that's the only way you will know!

  3. Ive had our powder room painted a flat black for about 4 years now...I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Its not at all too dark or cave-like with the white toilet, white sink, white door, white mouldings and white all balances perfectly! Doooooo it! Altho, with a tub or shower..Id not go with a flat paint.

  4. Thank you all for your input! I think I am going to do it, my hubby even said I could! :) Now just gotta find the time....

  5. That rug! I've been meaning to go to Pier One to get that rug - its sooo great. It will look great with a black wall!


Thank you for your sweet comments, they make my day!