My mom is a great thrifter. She's where I get all my thriftiness from. She found a fabulous deal on this mirror, $2 to be exact. Can you believe that?!? It wasn't in the best shape but just needed a little makeover to make it shine.

Close up of the finish...
and check out my horsehead, a $5 homegoods find, who also got a mini makeover with a little white spraypaint...(can't seem to find the "before" picture)
ooohh!! I love it!! and I want to see more of that gorgeous hutch i see in the background!!
You need to try out for Design Star! You are much better than the people that are on there now!
love it ... that finish would be perfect for a art print I have ... could you so a quick summary of how you did it?? I am so envious of your The horse head, I stalked that at Hobby Lobby last christmas, everytime he went on sale he would be gone then Id go in and when not on sale he would be in stock, arg! (he was $50) I have got to go check out home goods more often (ours is TJ Maxx).
Your design skills AMAZE me! :)
LrnM Design
WOW! Great job mom! And I love the horse head! If I were to see that at HG, I would've just walked by it. I would never think to paint it white! So smart :)
Very nice!! I love the finish. Please post how you did it.
The entire look of the mantle is spectacular. Thanks, Ana
Great idea. It's beautiful on the mantel.
Nice find! You did a great job refinishing it! I was looking through your room pictures in your sidebar, and your home is just amazing. I would love to add a few of your spaces to my paint and room galleries on my site and include you in a feature. You wouldn't have to do a thing, just let me know if you're interested! Oh and do you know the paint colors in your breakfast nook and staircase? They are great colors!
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