
yes, another starburst mirror

Maybe you are sick of the whole starburst mirror trend, but I'm still really liking it.  I think it's a classic staple in decorating that can make a huge statement in a room.  I bookmarked this project a long time ago and just kind of forgot about it until I needed something to adorn my dining room mantle.  Remember the ship painting I shared from my summertime mantle?  Well, it sailed (har har) on over to my sister in law's new apartment.  She really loved it when she came to my house, so I gave it to her as a housewarming gift.  Anyways, I was left with a blank mantle and remembered this project I had been wanting to tackle.  So, I followed The Nester's great tutorial.  It was so simple and cost me less than $10.  

I already had this mirror in my garage, a $2 Goodwill find, so I just picked up some posterboard from Hobby Lobby (around $3).  I also already had the gold spraypaint in my garage (always good to have a can of that on hand)

So here's my mirror before I cleaned it and everything

I started by making my template out of a papertowel, just like the nester did.

then, I traced my template onto posterboard

then I cutout the "rays"and just hotglued them to the back of the mirror.  I did them in a north, south, east, west pattern alternating them as I went

 I spraypainted it in Rustoleum's metallic gold spraypaint

If you get up close you can tell it's cardboard, but from a distance it looks pretty good, not bad for a few dollars


  1. Um, wow! That looks fantastic and I never would have guessed it was made out of poster board!

  2. I will never tire of starburst mirrors. Your's looks great-love the twist on the Nester's of spraying it gold!

  3. It looks fantastic! I love that you painted it!


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