
Tissue Tassels

There's just something about tissue paper tassels that have I've always liked.  They're just so pretty and fun.  I knew that I would have to make them for the next party we had and that just so happens to be my daughters.  We are just going with a light pink, gold, white, and touch of black theme for her party and mixing it up with a few patterns and sparkle, because I'm sure when she gets older she'll want plenty of themed parties.  You can find lots of tutorials for these banners, but I pretty much followed this one.  These are so easy and inexpensive to make.  One sheet of tissue paper makes two tassels and I paid $1 for 10 sheets, so that's 20 tassels for a dollar, not too bad.

Start with your supplies.  Pardon the poor pictures.  I had someone wanting to help and by help I mean crumple up the tissue paper and run away with it, so I had to work quickly.

I used a 20 x 20 piece of tissue paper

Fold it in half

and in half again, you should have a square.

Then just start cutting strips and leave about 1 inch at the top.  I cut toward the fold.

You should have something like this.

Then cut it in half so you will have two tassels.

unfold it and start rolling 

Once you have it rolled, twist it up nice and tight

Then keep twisting and form a loop at the top. 

You could stop there and it would probably stay pretty well, but I added a piece of tape to make sure it didn't unroll and you don't even notice it.

Then you just string them on your twine, ribbon, or whatever you choose.  I have them hanging in my office on my hutch so they don't get messed up before the party.

1 comment:

  1. Another cute little birthday project and once again I can't believe how much work you are putting into her birthday. Amazing!


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