
Unexpected lamp source

I wasn't really in the market for lamps, the ones we had in our bedroom before were fine, but I made them for next to nothing so it's not like I'd be out a lot of money if I had to replace them.  As I was perusing the hobby lobby sale aisle a few weeks ago, these gorgeous lamps caught my eye.  The shades were all wrong, disproportionate, the wrong color, etc. but the bases were perfect.  I figured they would still be more than I wanted to pay, because to be honest some things on the hobby lobby sale aisle are just marked down to what they should be priced at in the first place, am I right?  Anyways, I checked the tag and they were 80% off, making them $20.  I quickly put them in my cart while I walked around and thought about it.  In my head I was already envisioning them in our room and thinking of where the old ones could go and what lamp shades I could use on them.  I called my hubby and he gave me the go ahead.  I couldn't wait to get them home and see how they looked.

I love them, the lucite base is one of my favorite parts.  Another nice thing is that they are heavy and you can tell they are well made.

See that little purple orchid peeking out?  It was an early Valentine's day gift from my hubby.  I think it's so cute, I'm just hoping I don't kill it like I do pretty much any plant I come into contact with.  I'm going to try the ice cube method and hope it works.  Speaking of purple, I'm starting to add plum/purple accents into our bedroom.  I've lived with the gray/yellow for a long time (5 years!) and I'm over it.  We can't afford to do a major overhaul but I'm hoping introducing a new color, along with these new lamps, will make it feel fresh again.  More updates on that to come.

Have you found any lamps you love at Hobby Lobby?  It has never been my go to source for lamps, but after finding these and perusing their lighting section I think I might start taking a second look when I'm there.


  1. Awesome lamps! What a find. Good eye to spot those and I love the colours in the base. Now off to check out the ice cube trick you mentioned as I just got an orchid too! ;)

  2. Can you believe that I have never been to hobby lobby? There's finally one in the area about half an hour away and it's on my list to do for next week. I feel really excited about it. Love the lamps and I still love your yellow too but I know what you mean when you just get over something.

  3. Gorgeous! Those are awesome. I agree about Hobby Lobby's pricing...the sales are usually misleading. Great find!

    I also found an awesome pair of navy gourd lamps with white drum shades at JC Penny of all places. They were huge, and only $17 a piece! I'm kicking myself for not getting them.

  4. There is one there that I covet. But I'm with you, the sales are so misleading and I usually forget about it and spend my money somewhere else. Someday I'll get that lamp! :)

  5. Very pretty! I haven't seen those at HL but they are very unique. I found a pair in the 80 off aisle several years ago that are the perfect size for my mantle. I've since painted the shades, but I'm still enjoying them. I think they have some really nice lamps right now...they've finally got some more modern choices rather that everything being so "tuscan" style. Ice cubes worked great for me!

  6. Thanks ladies! Julia, you will love Hobby Lobby! Shannon, that's such a great deal!! Jennifer, I agree. They have really stepped it up in that department and there are several there that I like. Good to know the ice cube trick worked for you, hopefully it will for me too :)

  7. I LOVE these!!! what a score!! Cant wait to see more of your space as you add some plum to it.

  8. Oh thank you so much for the ice tip! I unintentionally murder every plant I come in contact with. Maybe I love them too much? I've gotten to a point where I've had to resort to faux flowers. Le sigh.

    p.s. Love the plum accents idea. One of my favourite colours. Yum, yum.


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