
Pink, Black, and Gold

One of my favorite color combinations lately is blush pink, black, and gold.  You may have noticed that with my daughter's first birthday party.  I wanted to translate that color combination somewhere in my home.  I thought about our bedroom, but my husband isn't too fond of the idea and I can't really blame him for that.  We have a little pink in the nursery and adjoining guest bath, but it's sort of expected to have pink in a little girl's room.  To me, part of what makes pink fun is using it in unexpected spaces, like a living room.  So, I decided in order to appease everyone in the household, that I would add a little pink at the top of the stairs.  This area never really felt like "me."  It was fine, but I was sort of over it.  That tends to happen a lot around here, but luckily I had all the things I needed to transform this space without purchasing anything new.  

I'll start with my inspiration, this spray paint from Lowe's.  I actually grabbed a can of it before I even had this project in mind because it was just so pretty.  It has a built in primer too.

So, here's what the area looked like before.  I really wasn't crazy about the red, but I went with it because the photo albums I had were already red.  That was sort of my inspiration.  Note to self, don't let something that you're not really crazy about become your inspiration.  Moving on...  

So to get a new look, I started by spraying this lamp with the spray paint mentioned above.  My mom gave it to me when it didn't sell at her yard sale.  The shape was great and the size worked well in this space.  

Then, I updated the covers on the photo albums with leopard wrapping paper I found at World Market.  I don't see it online, but they had it in the store.  The Container Store sells a similar version here
 I added a few other accessories that I had around the house and shopped the garage to create a totally new vignette.  I like it so much better now.    

This book I found just happened to coordinate perfectly with everything.

This black glass piece will always be one of my favorites.  My husband picked it out on a thrifting/antiquing adventure we went on.  He never picks things out for the house so this is something we will keep around for a long time.

I'm also starting a little match collection.  I love the look of them.


  1. Love it. Right down my alley right now. The leopard photo albums are perfect as well.
    I just bought Ikea pillows that are the exact same blush pink and they are in our living room!

  2. Thanks Julia! I'll have to check those pillows out, I may need some in my living room too! :)

  3. You inspire me every single day!! Recovering the photo album was so clever! We have a huge container of matches, I need to go thru and find the pretty ones!

  4. You're so sweet Pam! Some of my matches aren't so pretty right now but as I build my little collection I'll get rid of the not so pretty ones :)

  5. Love the contrast between the lamp and your wall color! Such a pretty vignette!

  6. Gorgeous! The pink and black look so great together!

  7. Very pretty! That lamp is such a great shape and I love the leopard paper book cover idea. Great vignette!

  8. I love it, so pretty!

    Did you make the flowers or buy them?

  9. great job it looks so well put together enjoy it


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