
Around World Market

I stopped by World Market the other day to look for a basket (which I didn't end up finding) and stumbled upon a few other fun things that I thought I would share.  I always find great things when I stop in there.

I always visit their paper section first, it's abounding with inspiration!  You could frame any of these and build a whole room around it.

Of course I especially love the ones with touches of gold.    

I always check out their hardware too, they have reasonable prices and a decent selection.

love the colors of this box...

And this may be a little theme-y, which is normally not my thing, but I think you could cut apart this Barbie calendar and create a cute gallery wall for a girl's room or nursery.  They actually had lots of great calendars that would be great for framing.  

Everybody loves a good cart...

lots of good lighting, especially that black one with the gold inside

And the drum table that everyone has been talking about looks just as good in person!  It's such a great deal!

I've always been a fan of using an upholstered bench/sofa/settee on one side of a dining table.  I like the size of this one and the fact that it doesn't have arms to get in the way.  

Have you found any great deals at World Market lately?


  1. Oh how I wish we had a local World Market! :)

  2. you are killing me! i need to spend money i don't have! ;)

  3. love World Market and your highlights are all my faves too!

  4. I was just there last week and was loving the selection! :)

  5. Ooohh.. a virtual window shopping trip! I try not to stop in
    there too often because there’s a danger of impulse purchases. As I was reading
    your descriptions, I realized, I wasn’t really into using gold accents until I
    started reading your blog- now I’m into gold too! I looked for some funky knobs at cost
    plus-but didn’t find any that worked for me, so I got some plain white ones on
    clearance and decorated them myself.
    Thanks for a great post!

  6. Can not wait to head back to WM. I don't have one in my area, but we have 2 trips coming up in October and I will be right next to one!!!! YAY! Cute stuff! xo Kristin

  7. We have two close by and I have to restrain myself!! I used the drum table for a client recently, it's fabulous!

  8. Thank goodness we do not have one close or I would be in trouble. I love beautiful paper and could easily become a paper hoarder...:/ But, I cannot tell you how long I have been looking at that upholstered bench. I love it and have yet to pull the trigger and order it for our kitchen. I think I'm a little nervous with my two boys and all their spills!

  9. Man I love world market. Sooo much good stuff I tell you. I love thier paper products, lighting, and kitchenwares the most. Thanks for the virtual treasure hunt!

  10. me too! It's such a fun place to shop!

  11. oh me too, I love beautiful paper! I have to keep myself in check! I feel you on the spills, with my daughter we're keeping everything wipeable for a long time! :)

  12. Me too! Love that table and the price can't be beat!

  13. Me too, they have so many great things it's easy to impulse buy! I'm so glad you love gold too, I can't get enough of it! :)

  14. I know, we just got ours recently and I was excited about it!

  15. It's one of my favorites, I can always find something good in there! :)

  16. Those papers are so pretty! I love World Market but haven't been in a while, I'll have to swing by and check out the new stuff!

  17. Sigh out loud! I want a World Market in our area! Love those papers!

  18. The papers are seriously one of my favorite things that they carry! So pretty and so reasonable!


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