
DIY lucite tray with handles

I've professed my love for trays before so it should come as no surprise that I'm back with another DIY tray today.  I did a DIY lucite tray for my bedroom a little while ago and wanted to do something similar for my daughter's room.  She has quite the collection of accessories these days: necklaces, bracelets, bows, etc.  It's amazing how young they start loving those things and knowing exactly how to use them!  I thought it would be fun to display a few of her accessories on a tray. It's also a great place to put things like those random little hair rubber bands that I always find in the floor.  I actually wish I had this tray when she was itty bitty.  It would have been a great place to put all the necessities (gas drops, gripe water, a thermometer) and have them within arm's reach.  

For the DIY, start with this frame.  You can find these at most craft stores and if you catch them on sale or use a coupon they end up being around $2 for this size (8 x 10)

For the handles, I dug through my hardware stash and came up with these.  I bought them at Goodwill forever ago, but they originally came from Target.  They were brushed nickel, but you know I can't stay away from gold so I gave them a quick spray.  I really didn't document this DIY, I'm so bad about taking step by step pictures.  I just get into the project and before you know it I'm done and have no pictures to show.  Thankfully this is really easy so I'm sure you guys will have no trouble figuring it out.  After I sprayed the handles gold, I used some hot glue to attach them to either side of the tray. I'm not planning to actually use the handles to lift the tray and carry it around so I wasn't worried about the glue being super strong.  If you were worried about that you could use a stronger glue, like E-6000. For the heart, I just cutout a heart from some glittered cardstock and attached it with Modge Podge.

All of these bows are from Forever 21.  They have adorable bows and they are so inexpensive.  

The tray is sitting on top of her newly painted dresser.  Pictures are coming soon!


  1. Adorable! The handles add the perfect girly touch. And great tip about F21, I'll have to check out their hair accessories!

  2. how fun are those handles! such a great idea to add them!

  3. That's it! I have to make one too. Love it so much and LOL to the forever21 because I do shop there all the time for me and my daughter. They have amazing stuff!

  4. So sweet! I remember when you posted it before, you inspired me to do one, but all of the frames at our HL were cracked :( I need to try again! A friend had on a cute skirt the other day, I couldn't believe when she told me she found it at Forever 21.

  5. I love sweet and simple DIY's like this!

  6. Super cute! I have so many of these frames!!! I will definitely do! Thank you!

  7. So creative!! I love that you spiced things up with the handles!!

  8. Thanks Gabbi! I was so glad I had some in my stash that would work, you can't beat free!

  9. Thank you! These frames are so versatile and so inexpensive, you really can't beat them!

  10. Thanks! It was so simple!

  11. Thank you! The simple ones that take a few minutes are the best!

  12. I had trouble finding one that wasn't cracked at Hobby Lobby too, but I've always had good luck finding them at Michael's in good condition. I love forever 21 and you can't beat the prices!

  13. thanks Julia! :) Forever 21 is great!

  14. Thank you! They have the best hair accessories for little girls and they are so reasonably priced, you can't beat it. They are a wardrobe staple at our house! :)

  15. So stinkin cute!!! I love it!

  16. I love this and am going to make one!!! I have been wracking my brain wondering how to use a pack of lucite handles I bought at IKEA recently (in clear and turquoise) and now I know!! Thanks so much for this!! Amy |

  17. Genius on using an acrylic picture frame! I have an acrylic tray from the Container Store but it was way overpriced. And the handles? Totally finishes the whole thing, looks so good!

  18. THis is one of those brilliant 'why didn't i think of that' moments. my brain is in awe

  19. Thank you! I have those moments all the time :)


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