
Inexpensive Fall Candle Holder

I love fall and I'm definitely ready for the cooler temperatures that come along with it.  I'm still waiting to have my first pumpkin spice latte.  It just doesn't seem right to have it iced, but I might have to break down and do it.  I've actually already started doing a little fall decorating around my house just to get me in the fall spirit.  I'm hoping maybe the weather will follow my lead?  

This is such an easy and inexpensive little fall candle holder.  Start with a vase, you probably have one lying around your house like I did, but if you don't you can pick something very similar up at the dollar store.  Then, I grabbed some feathers from the craft store (I found mine at AC Moore).  They were $1.99 for a pack of 18.  I only used one pack to do this project.  So the total cost for this project was $2.

I just used a small dab of hot glue to hold the feathers in place.  They don't really like to lay flat so you have to sort of play with them and coax them in the right direction.

It reminds me a little of the feather stuff that's at Target right now.  Have you started decorating for fall?


  1. Oh love it. Love that little Raven ;) too

  2. I spot a raven ;) Love the candle holder Bethany! Happy Weekend! xo Kristin

  3. I never would have thought of that - what a great idea!

  4. GENIUS! my kind of project, easy and cheap! Thanks!

  5. I know, looks like we are all loving ravens! :)

  6. Thanks Julia! I couldn't help but throw a little raven into the mix :)


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