
West Elm Art Hack

There are a lot of West Elm art hacks going on around the blogosphere so I decided to jump on the bandwagon and try creating a little art for my dining room.  In case you haven't seen it, here's the art that inspired it all.  It's simple, but has a nice graphic feel to it.

I chose to go with a gray and white color scheme for my dining room since that works better in that room.  However, I really like the contrast of the black and white.  The great thing about abstract art is that you really can't go wrong.  I just brushed a few strokes across some poster board and that was it.

Framing it makes a huge difference.  If I had done this on a canvas or something without a frame, I would have carried the brush strokes all the way over the edge. 

I think it took me about 5 minutes to complete.  You can't beat that for quick and easy.


  1. I never get tired of seeing these simple but beautiful pieces of art. Yours look awesome and are perfect for that grouping.

  2. Looks great Bethany :) It adds the right touch of modern to your surroundings :) xo Kristin

  3. My kind of easy DIY. It looks so good especially with your styling!

  4. looks awesome and i love the black mixed with all the gold and brown!

  5. Looks awesome! Agree that framing it really makes it look professional.

  6. Another Genius project again Bethany!!!! Love it!

  7. These are gorgeous, Bethany! & I completely agree, the gold frame & matte takes it to a whole other level! Stunning!

  8. Love it! I think I'm going to have to jump on board this bandwagon!

  9. Really good "hack" job! You have inspired me to try this one out! Love how it turned out. Looks great on your mantel.

  10. I have to say that as an artist this offends me."Hack?" Really? Not only are you encouraging people to copy someone’s art (even if it is being produced and sold by West Elm, someone did originally create that art and license it to West Elm – in fact, people have been sued for copying copyrighted art) but you’re also insulting artists by saying “Yeah, you can do this in 5 minutes.” Not cool.

  11. I'm sorry to hear that what I said offended you, no harm was intended. It honestly only took me 5 minutes to do, that wasn't meant as an insult to anyone.

  12. Hi Bethany. I have to say that as an artist this does NOT offend me. First of all, you didn't replicate the West Elm abstracts. I don't even see the same brush strokes. I may have taken issue if you exactly duplicated the West Elm work. But, you took the original abstracts and used them as inspiration and created your own pieces. Artists seek inspiration from everywhere, up to and including... other artists. So let's not be hypocrites (that means you commenter below me). You did this in 5 minutes. I know you were merely explaining that it is something that can be quickly done. So what? I had no idea there was an acceptable timetable to be creative. Some of my best work has been what I've worked on quickly. It allowed me to be more expressive and to not over-think the process. You're not mass producing these puppies and selling them for personal profit so the last commenter can take a chill pill. In fact, you're inspiring those who follow you to perhaps be creative, take a chance, and try creating something of their own. To me, in my humble opinion, that is what art is truly about! Art is for the masses! Great job

  13. Thanks so much for your sweet words Christina! I really appreciate that :)


Thank you for your sweet comments, they make my day!