
Bye Bye Brown

If you follow me on instagram (dwellingsbydevore) then you saw my bon voyage to brown photo last week.  It was a totally impulsive thing.  I just woke up and decided the stripes needed to be gone.  I'm kind of over brown and they have been there for about 5 years which is a long time for me to leave something the way it is.    

And I knew I had touch up paint in the garage to make it happen.  The sanding was the most time consuming/annoying part but once that was done it didn't take long at all.  The walls are still taupe, which I hope to change in the next year or so, but it made such a difference in how open the room feels.    And since most decor things are a domino effect I ended up throwing together a gallery wall to fill up the space better.  I searched through my collection of frames and mirrors and mixed in some DIY art so it was a free update that made a big difference.  I'll be sharing more info on the gallery wall and some easy ways to make your own art on Wednesday so check back for that.  

So here's the before...

and after!  I'm planning to switch up the light fixture in here too.  I had plans for a DIY, but I think it's going to flop so I have to brainstorm some other options.  Speaking of DIY fails (trust me I have plenty) I'll be sharing some of those soon too.

 It's not as evident in pictures, but it makes such a big difference in person.  I feel like the room just got a big breath of fresh air.  


  1. Looks so awesome. Makes the room look so different.

    I love your dining room light! I'd actually love to have one like it and I'd paint it black with gold in the inside for my dining room.

    (I just removed my wall stripes too. What a pain ;)

  2. love those changes...looks fresh for the new year!

  3. I love those impulsive projects! They are my favorite! Love the way it turned out…sometimes we just need a refresh button!

  4. I think it's a huge difference too! Love the new gallery wall!

  5. i love it- so much more soothing and it lets the furniture (which is awesome) really shine! you have such style. can you come touch my head and bless me with some of your style?

  6. I know how you feel. After a few years of something I'm ready for a change too. I think the after looks great.

  7. Great update! Where do you keep your frame collection? I keep mine in a closet and everything is just stacked up against the wall. I wish I had a better system because I forget what I have. Tell me you have a beautiful home accessories closet! Haha!

  8. I love the stripes but I'm like you I need change too and this looks so fresh and Cassie is right it really showcases the furniture!

  9. What a nice fresh update! Can we talk about those awesome chairs for a second though!! They are fab chica!

  10. Definitely shows up in pictures - love that you got such a big difference for $0!

  11. I know, I love updates that are free!

  12. Thanks Shavonda! They were one of the few things I bought new for my home and I love them!

  13. Thanks Laurie! I was ready for a change and I'm so happy with how it turned out.

  14. Thank you! I wish I had somewhere glamorous to store my frames, but they are in my garage on a shelf...A home accessories closet will now be on my wish list for our next home one day! :)

  15. Thanks so much! I'm surprised they lasted as long as they did!

  16. Thanks Cassie! You're so sweet, but you don't need my help you've got amazing style!

  17. Thanks Jennifer! I'd love to switch up the wall color in our whole living space sometime this year, but you have to start somewhere! :)

  18. Thank you! Something about the start of a new year always makes me want to hit the refresh button!

  19. Thanks so much Julia! That would look awesome in your dining room! I thought about gold leafing the inside of the drum shade I have too!

  20. It does feel good after a paint job. Looks great.

  21. Yay! You're banishing the brown! So great! xo K

  22. Yes, I'm on a mission! :)

  23. Thank you! You should totally do it!

  24. Thanks Angelica, love the way paint can totally transform a space!


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