
DIY pinwheel

During my last visit to IKEA I spotted these black and white placemats for only $1.50.  I wasn't sure what I could do with it, but I grabbed one in case an idea came to me.  Luckily I thought of something as we were strolling the aisles of the craft store later in the week.  My daughter is always drawn to those outdoor pinwheels they have and I immediately thought the placemat I picked up would be perfect for something like that.  

  These are really easy to make and especially fun for kids.  I remember making them when I was in elementary school and always loved it.  

Here's what you'll need:

A square plastic placemat (I used this one)
A wooden dowel (I got mine for $0.99 at the craft store)
A ruler
A nail
A hammer

I started by drawing two lines to create four equal squares which helps find the middle of the placemat. You can really skip that step and just do the two diagonal lines if you want to.  It doesn't have to be perfect.  

After you've drawn your lines, cut the diagonal ones toward the center, but not all the way.  Leave about an inch or so in the middle.  

Then you'll need to make a hole in the corner of each triangle for the nail to go through.

Then make a hole in the very center of the placemat and fold the corners of the triangles with the hole in them to the center.  Stick your nail through the holes and hammer it into the wooden dowel.  I ended up super gluing a button to the head of my nail because my holes were a little too big.

Since the placemats are plastic (and waterproof) I think these would be really cute for a fun patio space or even to use at wedding.  Wouldn't they be fun lining the aisle at an outdoor wedding?


  1. i love it in black and white! so you and so pretty! you did a great job, too- mine would never look that good!

  2. How fun! I love that! xo Kristin

  3. That is so cute! I have eyeballed those placemats a thousand times but never thought to do anything this cute!

  4. Super cute and perfect for summer parties! Did you see the huge ones on the current issue of BHG? they look awesome as lawn decors!

  5. Adorable and totally doable - just the way I like it! Great idea with the plastic placemat. And yes, yes, yes, down the aisle at a wedding! :D

  6. These are so pretty, Bethany! Love it. My girls love pinwheels too :)

  7. Very cute! I can't believe you came up with that from a placemat! Love it.

  8. You are so smart, I love this idea! And, I just happen to have some of those placemats! I'm thinking a few around my front porch would be cute!

  9. They would look great on your front porch!

  10. Thank you! It was a fun little project :)

  11. Thanks Jennifer! They were fun to make :)

  12. I just saw those, so pretty!

  13. Thanks Beth! They are such a great deal, it was hard for me to pass them up!

  14. Thanks Cassie! I'm sure yours would be amazing!

  15. Thanks for sharing this Bethany! So fun! XO


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